Hrvatsko bioetičko društvo, Sveučilišni centar za integrativnu bioetiku Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Suradnički krug studenata Znanstvenog centra izvrsnosti za integrativnu bioetiku pozivaju vas na tribinu u ciklusu »Bioetički utorak«, na temu »Priroda kao proces«. Tribina će se održati u utorak, 28. studenoga 2023., s početkom u 17.30 sati, u prostoru Sveučilišnog centra za integrativnu bioetiku Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Ivana Lučića 1a).
Na tribini će gostovati Marcus Knaup, predavač na Sveučilištu u Hagenu te stipendist Zaklade Alexandera von Humboldta i gostujući istraživač Sveučilišnog centra za integrativnu bioetiku Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (2022.–2024.).
Gosta će najaviti i razgovor s njime voditi Jan Defrančeski, tajnik Sveučilišnog centra za integrativnu bioetiku Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i student Doktorskog studija Filozofija Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Više o temi tribine:
In the course of time man has succeeded with ever more efficiently making nature a subject of his own purposes. As it is generally known, with the Modern Age the domination of nature has reached a new level. That what can be quantified moves to the fore, whereas values and objectives move out of nature. What remains is just a passive skeleton of nature. Technology and the natural sciences strive to gain insight into “nature’s workshop”, to this way understand what it is doing: not only for the purpose of imitation but to make it create things it would have not created otherwise. Nature is supposed to be researched, to control it, and to make it a subject of one’s own purposes. The active aspect of nature, its aliveness, moves out of focus. These days, however, precisely these dynamics of nature can be rediscovered not least because of the modern natural sciences. Knaup’s contribution sheds light on the reassessment of the vital sphere by its meaning for Integrative Bioethics, and it discusses issues of environmental ethics.